Welcome to BudgetBirders.com!

We started this website in 2015 when we were gearing up for a 6-month long independent birding trip. That extended trip has come and gone but the independent birding trips around the world have continued and we’ve been sharing about our travels ever since in hopes that any tips and tricks we learn along the way could be helpful to someone else!

We were in the process of overlanding Africa when the rapid spread of coronavirus in 2020 halted our plans. We came home to ride it out. One year later, almost exactly to the day, we came back to Africa to finish what we had started. Our original itinerary would have looked something like this:


At the end of each trip, we create a “Trip Report” to help educate birders who are thinking about doing an independent trip as well.  Together we plan to use this website as a means to share our travel, research, and adventures with you! Find us on instagram @budgetbirders to see our most recent photos/videos!

Check out Overlanding Africa to see blog posts and photos from Africa and Trip Adventures to see blog posts and photos from our other most recent travels. Make sure to check out our Trip Reports for detailed logistics to be used on your own DIY “budget birding” trip.