Target Bird: Bristle-thighed Curlew
As you enter the town of Kahuku, take a right (north) at the stop light onto Puuluana St and continue .2 miles until its end at the parking lot for Kahuku Golf Course.
This is a “local” golf course and not what one would expect from the many upscale golf courses located on the island. Luckily, the attitude of the workers is as laid back as the atmosphere and they do not have issues with people parking in the lot and walking to the Bristle-thighed Curlew spot. Park your car and continue to the edge of the parking lot where there is a dirt road blocked by large boulders. Walk around the boulders and continue on the dirt road which runs parallel to the golf course. At .2 miles the dirt road turns right and crosses the golf course beforee turning back left and ending at an open fence at .4 miles. As you reach the end of the dirt road, there will be a grave yard on your right and an old series of old horse corral on your left. If you haven’t already spotted your first Bristle-thighed Curlew along the golf course, there will certainly either be some in the grave yard (they often roost on the graves), in the last corral on your left, or just beyond the last corral in the overgrown field.

The large expanse of overgrown pasture in front of you used to be accessible, but has recently been purchased by James Campbell NWR and will soon be fenced off. At the moment there is still access down to the beach, but it is unclear how long this area will be open. Curlew numbers usually vary from a few birds up to 30-40 individuals. They are usually fairly tame and can often be observed from less than 50 yards. This is be far the best spot on the island to photograph the Bristle-thighed Curlews and even if James Campbell is opened for a tour, it is still worthwhile to visit the golf course. Please use caution when crossing the golf course and be respectful of the golfers. They are the paying patrons and deserve the right of way. If someone is teeing off, wait until they have finished, and then cross.