Target Birds: Oahu Amakihi, Apapane

Tantalus Drive is a loop road that takes you from 200 ft to 1500 ft in only a few miles. Near the top of the road is a great location for roadside Oahu Amakihi. The eastern part of the loop affords amazing views of Honolulu and the surrounding area.
Tantalus Dr is located near the National Memorial Cemetery-Pacific off of Auwaiolimu St. Once on Tantalus Drive, continue for 4.2 miles until you reach a flat portion of road. This is a fairly wide section of road and you are able to park along the side.

Walking along the road you will usually encounter multiple Oahu Amakihi (listen for their call) and possibly Apapane. This area also allows access to the Kalawahine Trail. If you are unable to find any Oahu Amakihi along the road, hiking along the trail is great for forest birds including amakihi and Apapane.