And so it Begins…

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted to the blog! I have a new goal to AT LEAST post twice a week, but so far I’ve failed. Hopefully now I can be held accountable. (And thusly keep everyone more up to date on our travels!)

With that being said, Ross and I have been SUPER busy the last week and a half. Blogging simply had to take a back burner. We often laugh about how much we try to get done in such a little bit of time, because quite honestly, it’s a bit intense.

We spent last weekend traveling to beautiful Kauai (post yet to come!) and then coming home to a whirlwind week of moving out of our apartment, selling some of our household goods and shipping the rest, shipping our car, me working full time night shifts, Ross exiting the Marine Corps, gearing up and packing for a 198 day worldwide adventure, AND on top of all of that, BUYING A HOUSE. Yes we are in the early stages of buying a house!! Who tries to buy a house remotely without ever seeing it?! Crazy people. But that’s us, so naturally we have spent several hours skyping with a realtor and virtually visiting nearly a dozen places in Charlottesville, Virginia. In case you are wondering, Ross is going to be attending University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business to get his MBA this coming fall. However, before we do any kind of moving, we have our 6 month trip to focus our attention on!

Packing for a trip of this caliber is a blog post all of its own that I think I will save for later. For now I’ll just say everything on our task list was completed and we set out on our 198 day backpacking adventure on January 16th. As you can see, we will be living the nomad life for a little while and everything we need for the next 6 months we will be carrying on our backs! Here goes nothing!


  1. Ross & Melissa, Congratulations on your trip….excited to see all your adventures around the world 🙂 Heard you are coming to Virginia for a few years 🙂 UVa less 1 hr 30 min. from our house….hope to see much more of you guys 🙂 this fall 🙂

    Aunt Cathy

  2. I miss your faces, your hugs, and your bubbly personalities (Yes, yours too, Ross!). Praying for your safety as you travel and that you reach your final destination in VA having seen and experienced EVERYTHING and MORE than what you expected! Luv you guys!!!!

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