Trip Reports

For anyone planning a trip, these reports will be infinitely more valuable than blog updates. 

Birding Guides are designed to provide insight on specific birding locations around the world. The amount of information present online and via published bird guides for countries varies greatly. Some countries such as Thailand and Ecuador have absolutely outstanding coverage while finding information on others can sometimes be very frustrating. It is our hope to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the logistics of getting to numerous birding sites and helpful hints on finding specific species.

As usual, xeno-canto, cloudbirders, and eBird are extremely valuable resources in researching and preparing for any trip. eBird is rapidly becoming an extremely useful tool for seeing recent sightings before leaving on a trip, but sadly, most people remain extremely vague in the descriptions of their checklists. All of my eBird checklists include GPS coordinates or detailed information for target birds and I encourage others visiting these areas to do the same because even quick notes about locations on a trail or a kilometer mark along a road can be extremely helpful for those not familiar with the area. Unfortunately it can be difficult to search eBird for that kind of data so I will include GPS information and data in these reports.

Current available reports: