Target Birds: Wintering Waterfowl
The Kuilima WWTP is the premier waterfowl hotspot on the island of Oahu and is located across the street from Turtle Bay Resort.

Directions: To reach the WWTP, continue on the Kamehameha Hwy from Fumi’s parking lot for 1.7 miles before taking a left onto the access road. This turn is almost directly across the street from the enterance to Turtle Bay resort. The short access road leads to a fenced in area comprised of four ponds. The gates are almost always unlocked (I’ve never encountered them locked, any day of the week) and birders are welcomed to drive in and view the ponds.
Birds: The southwestern most pond usually holds the majority of the ducks. The typical species present usually include Mallards (resident hybrids), Northern Shovelers, Northern Pintail, Lesser Scaup, Hawaiian Coot, Black-necked Stilt, Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderlings, and Pacific Golden Plovers. Along with the typical fare, it is not unusual for a few other species to be present including American Wigeon, Eurasian Wigeon, Greater Scaup, Tufted Duck, Bufflehead, or Canvasvack.
Thank you for all the great birding location guides! Super helpful!
Little update for the Waste Water Treatment Plant: I tried to visit yesterday (9th of June 2024) but the road was closed with a chain and signs put up saying „private property, no trespassing, area under video surveillance“, so I guess this spot is unfortunately not available to birders anymore…
stefan, thanks for this info. did you try to bird any of the other spots in this area–fumi shrimp ponds, james campbell, kahuku golf course. i will be visiting the north shore in october and it seems all the info online about birding is outdated. any suggestions? thanks much.